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Плагин Business.Helpers.Response служит утилитой для стандартизации ответов API в бизнес-приложениях. Его основная цель - упростить создание последовательных и структурированных ответов для различных сценариев, возникающих во время взаимодействия с API.

 * Prepares and returns an API response object for a failed operation.
 * This should be used when an operation does not complete successfully,
 * with the provided error message included in the response.
 * @param {string} errorMessage - The error message to be included in the response.
 * @returns {Object} An object representing a failed operation response.
function getErrorResponse(errorMessage) {
  return {
    success: false,
    message: errorMessage

 * Prepares and returns an API response object for a successful operation.
 * This should be used when an operation completes successfully 
 * and no additional data needs to be returned.
 * @returns {Object} An object representing a successful operation response.
function getSuccessResponse() {
  return {
    success: true  

 * Prepares and returns an API response object for a successful operation 
 * with additional JSON data. This should be used when an operation completes 
 * successfully and there is additional data to return in the response.
 * @param {Object} json - The JSON data to be included in the response.
 * @returns {Object} An object representing a successful operation response with additional data.
function getSuccessResponseWithJson(json) {
  return {
      success: true